A locally funded initiative administered by MOYS that provides City of Memphis youth ages 16 to 22 with meaningful and rewarding summer experiences.MPLOY offers various career path options according to the participants’ strengths and interests, including soft skills training, entry-level positions, and internships. Some of the top employers in the Memphis area make this possible by agreeing to serve as Business Partners, offering structured job opportunities for youth for six weeks during the summer months.

Participants work in a variety of industries such as health and wellness, arts and culture, banking and communications, among others. Top employers in the Memphis area make this possible by agreeing to serve as partners, offering structured job opportunities and training for youth during the summer. Participants work for six (6) weeks in positions aligned with different career paths, where they learn soft-skills training, maintain entry-level positions, and complete internships.

We are requesting (if possible) that you commit to hosting a minimum of ten (10) young people in entry-level positions for six weeks. In an effort to ensure the accuracy of records, both compensation and employee hours will be handled by the City of Memphis Office of Youth Services.

MPLOY participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. This includes showing respect for the rights and feelings of other MPLOY participants, their job, the Worksite Supervisor, and the general public. Each program participant has a responsibility to comply with the policies and procedures of the MPLOY Youth Summer Experience as well as those of their worksite.
Code of Conduct
MPLOY participants will only be compensated for their time worked.
The maximum allowable hours permitted by the program is 20 hours per week for six (6) weeks. Weekly Timesheets -All MPLOY participant's time must be recorded on a weekly timesheet provided by MPLOY, which is not valid unless signed by the MPLOY participant, the Worksite Supervisor, and the Youth Specialist. MPLOY participants record their time worked on the printed timesheet at the beginning and end of their shift on a regular basis.
Time, Attendance, and stipends for MPLOY Participants
Stipends for MPLOY Participants
MPLOY participants are compensated for their time worked via a paper check. MPLOY participants are required to show a photo ID when receiving their paycheck.
Stipends for MPLOY Participants
In order to provide a meaningful work experience, MPLOY participants take part in professional development activities with goals that focus on themes such as career planning, setting goals, financial literacy, interview techniques, and resume writing. The professional development component of the MPLOY Youth Summer Experience takes different forms, according to the age and work industry of the MPLOY participant. Some participants will get professional development tips specific to their work industry from Business Partners during their work week. Some participants will have the chance to gain professional development training from partnerships with organizations outside of the MPLOY team.
Professional Development for MPLOY Participants

As a partner of the MPLOY Youth Summer Experience, we are requesting (if possible) that you commit to hosting a minimum of ten (10) young people in entry-level positions for six weeks. In an effort to ensure the accuracy of records, both compensation and employee hours will be handled by the City of Memphis Office of Youth Services.